a clan is a group or community of players who come together to form a team within CentoriCraft. Clans are often created to foster a sense of camaraderie, cooperation, and strategic coordination among members. They may engage in activities such as joint gameplay, competitions, and collaborative efforts to achieve in-game goals. Being part of a clan provides players with a social and supportive environment within the game.


/clan create clanname

Creates a new clan

/clan disband

This command will destroy the clan!

/clan leave

If you in a clan this will remove you from it

/clan invite username

Will invite a player to your clan

/clan join

This command will add you to a clan you've been invited to

/clan kick username

Will kick a player from your clan

/clan info

Will display information about your current clan

/clan list

Will list all clans in the server

/clan sethome or /clan delhome or /clan home

These commands will either set your clan as a home base or deletes it or allows you to teleport to it

/clan transfer username

Transfers ownership of your clan to another player

Last updated